Wow, after 9 hours of lectures today, I could say I really didn't expect a birthday celebration!
I was in the midst of stress after class, tagging my notes , planning what should I study after revision class... should I go library? should I go back to my room? ...
... and out of a sudden, a group of people singing Happy Birthday song came walking into lecture room with a cake, heading to where I am seated at. Stunned and surprise at that moment... it's my birthday celebration!!!!
I really didn't expecting anything for my birthday this round, studies came into my top list of priority this time ,didn't really think of celebrating it this year. I was already surprised once,and was really grateful for my birthday present from my friends. I am already so happy for their present (p/s : its from Kitchen, and I know it is expensive! haha!), little did I know they actually prepared a cake for me today!
Now, all the unexplained, suspicious actions by my friends today in class finally made sense...Shen went out from class immediately after class ended, saying she need to return her parking card despite it's already 6pm, Lawrence and Ah Huang went out for toilet after class which they took ages to come back!... Kylie, Xin Yi, Kah Soon were all here out of the sudden, and I even remembered asking Kah Soon " 等Lawrence 啊?"... Thinking back all these makes me feel like a fool, at least a happy one!Haha!
After taking photos, eating cakes... well, most of you would have thought it should be the end... guess what, its not! Lawrence was not in LT for some time, and well I wondered did the sesame cake Jun Yu bought that we just ate has caused him to have diarrhea or what? Suddenly, he was back, with a photo frame on his hand.... He passed it to me “拿,给你的!" , guess what is it? It was one of the most meaningful present I ever get out of my 20 birthdays... That second, I was so touched and I actually went speechless for a while... reading the messages Jun Yu, Lawrence,Daniel and Kah Soon wrote down words by words, I was so surprised that the 4 quiet guys I'd known since CAT would have done something like this for me!
Reading through their messages actually made me realize that my friends had created so much wonderful memories throughout my college life... CAT graduation, Tioman trip, Melaka trip, movies,karaoke, prom and not to forget all the time we spent together in class, whining, fooling around.... think of all of these, it is hard to believe that 2 and half years has passed.
想回这些那么美好的回忆和时刻,真的会 很不舍得 ... 短短的三年,一舜间就过了。跟你们每一位所度过的回忆,我都会记在心里。很高兴有这个机会认识你们。我们人生还有一段很长的路,我祝福大家都能走到我们梦想的终点.
Chin Shen, 我大学第一天就很熟的朋友! 要牢牢记的,做人不能太好,要偶尔为自己着想!走路不要pok kai! 谢谢一直一来都拿么的了解我,安慰我!
Kylie, 我的makan kaki!要永远都那么的开朗 okay!酱才是我认识 的Kylie Chin,讲话和笑声也要比别人大声!!!!谢谢你把宁的家人介绍给我认识,让我在想家时总是有人陪!!!
Jian Yuan,我永远都不会忘记第一天认识你的时候,还记的"We are from KLANG!" 吗?哈哈!驾车的时候要小心啊! 上课时不要一直玩电话,要传心!要再次谢谢你帮我换轮胎,还记得吗?;)
Ong Jun Yu, 不要blur blur 的,要会control自己的手脚!不要再把电话乱乱放!要在此感谢你一直于来都不蛮厌的当我的listener!
Ah Huang, 认识你三年了,可是广东话还是没你好。。。哈哈!你还是我认识中讲广东话最厉害的了啦!要吃多一点,不要这么瘦,我跟你拍照每次都是弄到我很肥~哈哈!
Lawrence, 真的很感激你在我需要帮忙的时候,无伦你有多忙,你总是say Yes, 没问题, 无所谓!总是那么的好人~
Daniel, 爱睡鬼~~~哈哈!对不起,我偷了你很多的第一次,哈哈!我觉的你也不可能会读到我的blog lor~写短一点无所谓。。。haha!
Kah Soon, 永远欢迎你来马六甲!我再带你去nom nom nom!!!! 还有,要记的我爸爸讲你是最帅的~~哈哈!
LITINGGGGGGGGGG! so touched!! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~ sweet sweet sweet haha!!! Go bak melaka dy must come down n find all of us 'zui zui gao' yea haha!! frenz forever hehe~~~
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